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ExpertsClusters (EC) are special interest groups of designaustria members.

Become an active part!

They are a means for us designers by which to commit ourselves to Austria as a design nation and strengthen the competence of our organisation, which sees itself as Austria’s knowledge and information centre in design matters. An EC and its spokesperson can be contacted in issues related to the EC’s focal points. This enables an EC and its members to sharpen their public profile and expertise.

Guidelines for ExpertsClusters

  • ECs are there for designaustria members to engage in voluntary activities for the promotion and advancement of design. An internationally and nationally recognised design organisation, designaustria provides a stage that ensures that these activities will be publicly heard.
  • EC members must be members of designaustria.
  • A spokesperson appointed by the EC (EC Manager) functions as a link to the board. Apart from that, the EC is free to decide about its structure.
  • The goals and tasks are defined by EC members and fine-tuned with the board.
  • ECs are self-governing units.
  • ECs raise the funds they need independently, such as through EC membership fees, sponsoring, etc. They are not entitled to financial support form designaustria.
  • designaustria supports ECs in their work through its expertise and network (e.g. PR, contacts to policymakers, the business world, and interest groups, etc.).
  • The existence of an EC and its contact data are to be announced on the designaustria website.
  • Results and findings established by an EC will be spread via designaustria’s communication channels.
  • ECs accumulate design knowledge that is publishable or useful for the community in some other way. More awareness for design is thus created among the public and design users.
  • An EC (or its spokesperson) can be contacted as partners in matters related to the EC’s focal points.

How to found an ExpertsCluster?

• ECs can be established and dissolved informally by its members. They are founded according to the following procedure:

  1. Members interested in the foundation of an EC should contact the board to fine-tune the EC’s activities.
  2. Through an announcement published via designaustria’s communication channels, all members of designaustria are informed about this new opportunity to collaborate and invited to join.
  3. A date for a constituent meeting is agreed upon.
  4. Constituent meeting: focal points are identified in detail, definition of the EC’s structure and appointment of its manager or spokesperson.

• When an EC has become inactive, it can be officially dissolved by the board.
• An EC’s public relations work must be fine-tuned with the designaustria board. This is to ensure that designaustria’s public appearance will be optimally effective thanks to concerted action.