designaustria announces the Romulus Candea Prize – a competition for children’s book illustration – every two years. After ten calls for entries and competitions, this year we want to focus on something completely new. Illustrators should get in touch, learn from each other and talk to each other, meet, work out ideas and above all: network. So the eleventh call for entries for the Romulus Candea Prize 2023 is intended as a networking and training opportunity.
Name giver of this competition and honorary member of designaustria Romulus Candea (1922-2015) is the creator of the famous “Stanisläuse” and illustrated over forty children’s and youth books.
Information on RC23 and online submission is available here.
Romulus Candea award winners (2003–2019)
Romulus Candea Prize 2023
→ Website Romulus-Candea-Preis 2023
→ Ausschreibung Romulus-Candea-Preis 2023
Project Management: Olivia Scarr