Wolfgang Homola
After his studies at the ‘Graphische’ in Vienna, Wolfgang Homola worked several years for Bohatsch Visual Communication in Vienna and for Harper Collins Publishers in London. In 2004, he received his MA in Typeface Design at the University of Reading, UK. During his career, he has designed postage stamps, award-winning books, dictionaries, bibles, annual reports, signage and wayfinding systems, logos and visual identities. He teaches graphic design, writes articles and gives lectures about typography and visual communication. His typeface ‘Soleil’ was released by TypeTogether.
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Type design: Soleil – see also:
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Book design: Viel/Falten (with Walter Pamminger)
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Graphic design: Postage stamp “75 years design austria”
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Type design / wayfinding system for AK Wien (with Bohatsch und Partner)
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Visual identity:
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Visual identity: NewTon Ensemble
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Signage and wayfinding system: Sargfabrik Wien
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Type design: Font Aid 4 (for Haiti)
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Visual identity: mehr demokratie!
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Book design: Collins Thesaurus (with Mark Thomson)