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Zeitschriftenabo »3 x 3«

Sprachen: Englisch
Erscheinungsweise: 3 x jährlich
designaustria-Mitglieder-Jahresabo: 82,39 € (inkl. USt. & Versandspesen)

82,39  Regulär

Published three times a year each issue profiles three distinguished illustrators as well as bringing you the latest news, book reviews, surveys and a new feature, Seen & Noted, where we share images that have caught our eye. Plus we profile an industry leader in our ICON section.

This is a subscription-based publication meaning we only print a limited number of copies to fulfill orders so it’s important to order your subscription early. No single copies will be available for sale. To guarantee delivery of all three issues of this year’s print edition, subscribe now. Your order includes a free digital copy as well.
