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»Austrian Design Update« at Tallinn Design Festival 2016


Gallery for Architecture and Design
MTÜ Disaini ja Arhitektuurigalerii
Pärnu mnt. 6, Tallinn, Estlandfrei.

Designers seek to devise something new, something that has not existed before. With products created out of this motivation, they often explore new paths and venture unprecedented approaches: in this endeavour, courageous and innovative clients and investors also play in important role, for only if they dare to embrace new products, concepts, production technologies, or business models, innovative design becomes possible. The show »Austrian Design Update«, shows pioneering products from Austria, highlights new approaches and developments in the Austrian design scene.

Introduction:Ilona Gurjanova, EDL – Estonian Association of Designers Cornelia Godfrey, Austrian Embassy Tallinn Dr. Herwig Palfinger, Austrian Economic Chamber Prof. Severin Filek, designaustria

Exhibition duration 16 September – 2 October 2016